Grand Opening of Kan TaiKeung and Lam TianXing Dual Solo Exhibition

Venue: 5/F, VPOINT, 18 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Date: 16 July 2021, Friday

Time: 4 – 7 PM

Artist Lam TianXing and Artist Kan TaiKeung with Curator Mr. Derek Tse (1st from left) and Senior Design Instructor Mr. Lo SiuHi (1st from right)
Artist Kan TaiKeung giving his speech at the opening of his Dual Solo Exhibition 2021 - Hong Kong
Artist Lam TianXing giving his speech at the opening of his Dual Solo Exhibition 2021 - Hong Kong
Guest of Honor Mr. Derek Tse giving his speech at the opening
Invited guests for the Grand Opening